The Arlington Land Trust presented a Zoom program, Restore Dark Skies for Arlington, on Tuesday, May 14, and we are pleased to share this recording for those unable to attend the meeting. Kelly Beatty, senior editor at Sky & Telescope Magazine, explained how light pollution disrupts wildlife, impacts human health, wastes money and energy, contributes to climate change, and blocks our view of the universe. Hear his suggestions and participants’ questions about how we in Arlington can take action to limit light pollution and reclaim the night sky.
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Mugar Hearing Extended to May 16
On Thursday, May 16 at 7 pm via Zoom, the Conservation Commission will continue its hearing on the stormwater review aspect of the Notice of Intent (NOI) for Thorndike Place, under the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (WPA) received from Arlington Land Realty, LLC, the owner/developer of the site.
Check the Con Com website for the final agenda, additional correspondence submitted for the hearing, and Zoom registration information.
Numerous peer review and consultants’ reports, public comments, recordings of previous meetings, and other correspondence regarding the NOI hearing are posted on the Commission’s Thorndike Place Wetlands Permit web page.
The Land Trust, through its hydrology consultants, and The BSC Group, as engineering consultants for the Applicant, both continue to collect data from their respective groundwater monitoring wells and test pits, and are expected to present additional findings. Another third-party peer reviewer may also be providing comments to address the project’s compliance with regulations outlined in the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook and Stormwater Standards, as required by the Department of Environmental Protection.
Mugar Hearing Resumes on May 2
On Thursday, May 2 at 7 pm via Zoom, the Conservation Commission will continue its hearing on the stormwater review aspect of the Notice of Intent (NOI) for Thorndike Place, under the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (WPA) received from Arlington Land Realty, LLC, the owner/developer of the site. The hearing on the invasive management and habitat plan was completed at the April 4 meeting.
Check the Con Com website for the final agenda, additional correspondence submitted for the hearing, and Zoom registration information.
Numerous peer review and consultants’ reports, public comments, recordings of previous meetings, and other correspondence regarding the NOI hearing are posted on the Commission’s Thorndike Place Wetlands Permit web page.
The Land Trust continues to fund Hydrologist Scott Horsley and his colleagues to analyze data presented by the developer’s consultant, BSC Group, and to present new data based on their own research, including water level readings from additional monitoring wells that have been placed on Town property adjacent to the Mugar site. The developer and BSC Group also agreed to install additional test pits and a monitoring well on their property. All of the new data is expected to be presented and discussed at the May 2 meeting.
Mugar Hearing Resumes on May 2
On Thursday, May 2 at 7 pm via Zoom, the Conservation Commission will continue its hearing on the stormwater review aspect of the Notice of Intent (NOI) for Thorndike Place, under the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (WPA) received from Arlington Land Realty, LLC, the owner/developer of the site. The hearing on the invasive management and habitat plans was completed at the April 4 meeting.
Check the Con Com website for the final agenda, additional correspondence submitted for the hearing, and Zoom registration information.
Numerous peer review and consultants’ reports, public comments, recordings of previous meetings, and other correspondence regarding the NOI hearing are posted on the Commission’s Thorndike Place Wetlands Permit web page.
The Land Trust continues to fund Hydrologist Scott Horsley and his colleagues to analyze data presented by the developer’s consultant, BSC Group, and to present new data based on their own research, including water level readings from additional monitoring wells that have been placed on Town property adjacent to the Mugar site. The developer and BSC Group also agreed to install additional test pits and a monitoring well on their property. All of the available data is expected to be presented at the May 2 meeting.
Please write to to share your concerns about the importance of continued data collection and analysis of the hydrological conditions on the Mugar property so the Commission can be assured it has the most up-to-date and relevant information for their decision making. Thank you.
Mugar Hearing Continues on April 4
On Thursday, April 4 at 7 pm via Zoom, the Conservation Commission will continue its hearing on the stormwater review and habitat restoration planning as outlined in the Notice of Intent (NOI) for Thorndike Place, under the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (WPA) received from Arlington Land Realty, LLC, the owner/developer of the site.
Check the Con Com website for the final agenda, additional correspondence submitted for the hearing, and Zoom registration information.
Numerous peer review and consultants’ reports, public comments, and other correspondence regarding the NOI hearing are posted on the Commission’s Thorndike Place Wetlands Permit web page.
The Land Trust continues to fund Hydrologist Scott Horsley and his colleagues to analyze data presented by the developer’s consultant, BSC Group, and to present new data based on their own research. Please write to to share your concerns about the need for additional groundwater testing and other timely data on the hydrological conditions on the Mugar property so the Commission can be assured it has the most up-to-date and relevant information for their decision making.
Thank you.