At the Conservation Commission meeting this Thursday, February 6, at 7 pm, members are expected to review the most recent stormwater documents from the BSC Group, engineers for Thorndike Place developer Arlington Land Realty LLC, as well as the response from GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., the Town’s peer reviewer on this aspect of the Notice of Intent (NOI) for Thorndike Place under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA).
The Land Trust’s hydrology consultants, Scott Horsley and Michael Mobile/MMA, are also providing new information from their respective groundwater monitoring and stormwater mounding analyses and their review of the most recent GZA and BSC reports.
Check the Con Com website for the full agenda and click here to register for this Zoom meeting.
The Commission’s Thorndike Place Wetlands Permit web page hosts the current GZA and BSC stormwater-related reports along with previous peer review and consultants’ reports, public comments, and other correspondence regarding the NOI hearing.