Tuesday, July 14 at 7:00 pm is the new date for the Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on the proposed Thorndike Place 40B housing development on the Mugar land in East Arlington. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
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Mugar Hearing Postponed
Note: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the previously announced Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on April 14 to consider the Thorndike Place 40B development project was postponed until June 9. We will alert you to any further news about this project.
Walking in Arlington
We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy during these difficult times. While social distancing guidelines remain in place to protect us all from exposure to Covid-19, we also know how important it is to be outdoors and enjoy the bounties of spring in New England.
Arlington residents have two excellent resources for local walks.
- Arlington Open Space Committee’s Take A Walk maps.
- Arlington resident George Stephans’ Circumnavigate Arlington maps.
Take A Walk Maps
We wrote about the Talk A Walk initiative in last January’s blog entry. The Take A Walk maps, linked in that entry, will help you safely explore less traveled parts of Arlington that you may never have visited before and may reveal some surprising discoveries, including beautiful front yard gardens, and bears and other creatures in house windows. Have fun!
Circumnavigate Arlington Maps

An initiative developed by Arlington resident George Stephans offers a walking route that follows the town’s boundaries. He was initially inspired by suggestions to honor Marathon Monday on April 20 by doing a special running/walking event with some charity component. This idea expanded to consider routes that avoid heavy traffic areas such as the bike path and Mass Ave. As it turns out, one can travel very close to the entire Arlington border on roads that are reasonably safe for walking or running and typically are not very busy.
The Circumnavigate Arlington main page explains this project.
The Quabbin Reservoir and Beyond – Presentation March 15
Note: The talk on Quabbin Reservoir scheduled for Sunday, March 15, is being cancelled by the Lexington Cary Library in the interest of public health. 3/11/2020
Sunday, March 15, 2020, at 2:30pm
Land and Water: The Quabbin Reservoir and Beyond

Presented by Leigh Youngblood, Executive Director, Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust
Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
The Quabbin Reservoir is the largest inland body of water in Massachusetts, and is the primary water supply for 40+ communities in Greater Boston. Leigh Youngblood, will give a presentation on the construction of the reservoir, the four lost towns of the Quabbin Reservoir (Dana, Enfield, Greenwich, and Prescott) and the land, water, wildlife, and people that persevere there today.
Many individuals living in the greater North Quabbin region, where Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust conserves and stewards land, have parents who experienced the relocation, keeping the legacy very much alive today. Constant encounters with landowners, foresters, biologists, surveyors, historians, artists, anglers, poets, and others inform a balanced perspective between the practical and the personal. This talk is co-sponsored by the Lexington Field & Garden Club.
March 2020 Article about Mugar Site
The Belmont Citizens Forum newsletter of March/April 2020 contained a three page report on Mugar Site. The article, by Meg Muckenhoupt is entitled Arlington Group Opposes Mugar Site Plans. You may view a pdf copy of the article here.