The Conservation Commission hearing on stormwater concerns and landscape and habitat planning for wildlife and vegetation at Thorndike Place on the Mugar property in East Arlington will continue on March 7 at 7 pm via Zoom.
Check the Con Com website for the final agenda, additional correspondence submitted for the hearing, and Zoom registration information.
A recording of the February 15 hearing, the various consultants’ reports, and public comments are posted on the Commission’s Thorndike Place Wetlands Permit web page.
Following the February 15 hearing, the Land Trust requested permission from the Select Board to install two monitoring wells on Town property on Dorothy Road to provide additional data on groundwater readings in the proposed development area to supplement data provided by the developer’s consultants. The Select Board unanimously approved the request at its meeting on March 4, so the monitoring wells will be installed with Town oversight in the next few days. Stay tuned for further updates, and attend the March 7 hearing for more information.