November 2021 – Mugar Update #3
The Zoning Board of Appeals will continue its deliberations on the Comprehensive Permit for Thorndike Place on Tuesday, November 16, at 7:30 pm. Additional meetings are also scheduled for Thursday, November 18, at 7:30 pmand Monday, November 22, at 8:00 pm, if needed.
The most recent revised draft decision, dated November 11, 2021, reflects changes made at that session. Among other things, a condition has been added to the draft stating that a conservation restriction (CR) on the 12 conservation acres must be in place prior to project completion and occupancy. However, there is no express requirement that the conservation parcel be transferred to the Town or an organization approved by the Town, which ALT believes is the only viable approach.
The upcoming ZBA deliberation meetings are open to the public for viewing only; neither the Applicant, Town officials, nor residents may participate in these webinar sessions.
Register in advance for the 11/16/21 meeting
Register in advance for the 11/18/21 meeting
Register in advance for the 11/22/21 meeting
You will receive a separate confirmation email with information about joining each meeting.
The ZBA has been posting its latest revised draft decision after each meeting, so check the ZBA Agenda page for updated documents.
Arlington Land Trust continues to advocate for the permanent protection of the Mugar parcel as conservation land. The site is subject to regular and significant flooding, and is a critical stormwater buffer for the surrounding and downstream neighborhoods of East Arlington.