October 2021 – Mugar Update
The next and possibly final ZBA hearing is scheduled on Tuesday, October 5, at 6:30 pm, to continue discussion of the Comprehensive Permit for Thorndike Place, located on the Mugar land in East Arlington. This hearing will focus on the ZBA’s revised Draft Decision, which outlines the details of the proposed project, including conditions and waivers. This is a complicated legal document. Various parties have already and will continue to make revisions until the ZBA votes on the final amended text of the decision.
Register in advance for this Zoom meeting. You will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
In a recent letter to the ZBA, Patrick Herron, executive director of the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA), expresses the organization’s concerns about the scale of the project in the former Great Swamp, and the process for transferring the 12+ acres of open space to conservation purposes. He and other concerned residents and observers are asking the ZBA to extend the hearing process to continue discussing many unresolved issues.
Please send your comments and concerns about this proposed project to the Zoning Board at zba@town.arlington.ma.us. It is important to share your concerns with the ZBA members as they deliberate their decision and the conditions to be placed on the Comprehensive Permit for this project.
Arlington Land Trust continues to advocate for the permanent protection of the Mugar parcel as conservation land. The site is subject to regular and significant flooding, and is a critical stormwater buffer for the surrounding and downstream neighborhoods of East Arlington.